8 Reasons I Visit Your Blog

by Andye

Let's face it, we pretend that we do this all for the love of reading and writing, but the truth is, we want people to read what we're spending our time and energy on. But what gets people to take the plunge? I don't know about you, but here are 8 reasons that I'll come visit your blog.

1. You've come to my blog and have left comments on my posts. I'm a little slow on this one because I tend to be on the oblivious side, but even I start to notice when the same person has been visiting and engaging with me. I'll be reading comments when all of a sudden I think Hey! This awesome person has been coming around a lot! I should probably check out what they're all about! And then I do!

2. You reviewed a book I'm really interested in. This is kind of an obvious one, but worth noting. 

3. You review a book I've never heard of. When you're a book blogger, it can get pretty repetitive visiting blogs that all have the same posts, the same books, the same memes, etc. So, when I see a review with a cool looking cover and I've never heard of it, it really piques my interest.

4. We're friends. Again, I'm not as good at this as I should be, but usually at some point in time I realize that if I'm friends with people, it's kind of crappy if I don't ever check out what they basically spend half their lives on.

5. You hook me with your Twitterspeak. There is no one who does this better than Jamie at Perpetual Page Turner. She says things like this . . .

. . . and I have to know! What, Jamie? WHAT IS THE BEST MEDICINE? WHAT DID YOU LOOK AT IN YOUR OWN LIFE? I'm nosy, and I think you know it, Jamie. You're using my nosiness against me! *ehem, sorry. Anyway.

6. You post something conversational. As much as I like reviews and interviews and such, my favorite posts are the ones that are more personal. Well, they don't even have to be super personal, just something different. If it's about books, that's even better.

7. You post something I need. Especially when I was a new blogger, trying to figure this whole thing out, if you had a post on how to improve your blog, or html (Thanks Parajunkee), or how to deal with publishers etc., you would have my love forever.

8. You write the words "8 Reasons I Visit Your Blog" or some other number with some other list. Not sure what it is about lists, but I just have to click it.

How about you? What hooks you and forces you to *click*?

(Don't miss my opposing, "8 Reasons I WON'T Visit Your Blog".)


  1. I enjoy pet peeves posts. I love to know that I'm not the only one with a long list of things that irk them in the book world.

    Erin @ The Book Nut

    1. Haha, that's so funny. Yeah, I think I probably do too. We hate the drama, but we love the drama.

  2. I agree. Discussion posts are really my bread and butter in the blog world, I'm always so interested. Especially if there is some ranting!

    Christina @ Books are Life Reviews

    1. So true! Ranting definitely gets me to check out what's going on.

  3. Ah. You're such a good friend ;)

  4. Yep, I like lists too :-) I have to agree with all of these. I especially enjoy seeing a book I've not heard of and adding it to my TBR wish-list. Great topic!

    1. Thanks! What is it about a list that makes us HAVE to read it?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Actually the consensus among my blogging buddies, and tweet peeps, is that the unspecified blog link tweets that you call "hooking with 'tweetspeak'" are a cheap, annoying, and cheesy way to get blog views. When bloggers first started doing that I fell for it, but 95% of the time it was something totally uninteresting to me. I won't, and my group of bloggers won't, click unspecified links anymore because of this. It makes you look desperate when you post blind links. It is just as embarrassing as begging for blog visits. Some authors have already asked that reviews and information about their books not be linked this way

    1. I think it all depends on your content. Usually the ones I click on I have some clue what they're about. And I rarely click on one of Jamie's links and regret it. If you're just tweeting "You'll never believe what just happened..." and then I click and it's just a review on a book, then yeah, not awesome. But I don't think it's the same.

  7. I love a good rant post. I also love looking at blogs and coming across new books!

  8. I love discussion posts! Oh and how-to posts like Ashley (Nose Graze) makes. Basically if the posts sounds interesting or it's a review of a book I'm looking forward to or have read and loved, I'll check it out. :)

    1. Yes, discussion posts are my favorite (as long as they aren't too lengthy). I'll have to check out Noze Graze, I haven't heard of that blog! Thanks!

  9. Haha! Love #8. That's exactly why I clicked on this post. ;)

    1. Hahaha, I kind of got a kick out of that one :P

  10. I loved your post. I also like lists and pet peeves posts. That's why couldn't resist clicking on your post!

    1. I'll probably be doing a pet peeves post soon :D

  11. Great post! I love it - and yes, the 8 reasons why caught my attention too. I too try to befriend those who take the time to continually comment on my blog. And yes, I do need to work on how I tweet about stuff. :)

    1. Me too. I think the fact that Jamie actually takes the time to think about what she says, makes me feel like she's more invested, and it matters.

  12. I adore this post. Thank you for sharing sweetie :D And I love visiting your blog. <3 And I agree with a lot of these. I do it too, hih :) But omg. I'm so behind on commenting on those gorgeous people that visit my blog :( yet I spend so much time each day commenting on blogs :p Ack. I must find the time. Hopefully soon :D Anyway. Amazing post <3

    1. Thanks Carina! I'm always behind too, but every once in awhile I realize I'm sucking and try to fix it.

  13. Great post Andye :) You're right, I do visit the bloggers that leave comments on my posts. Also, if I loved a book I love to talk about it. Similarly, one of the reasons I enjoy Waiting on Wednesday is because I discover new books. Great titles are also a way to grab my attention (as you just did)!

    1. Thanks Liza! I need to be better about being intentional and visiting instead of just reacting, like I tend to do.

  14. I'm not a book blogger, but I share your reasons. 2 and 6 are probably highest on my list. 8 made me laugh and is probably the reason I'm here ;)

    Great post.

    1. Yeah, I think #6 might be my biggest reason. That and #8. I'm such a sucker, so of course I couldn't resist doing it to everyone else, haha!

  15. I totally agree with all the reasons you listed. I just started blogging about 2 months ago but it's been really fun. I'm so thankful for all the supports and comments I get and I try to visit other blogs and comment as much as I can. I mostly click into a post if it's a book I'm interested in or have read or I have something to say about the topic. I'm so uncreative with my tweets I just want to hide. It's kind of depressing for me because I'm not really creative in any way. Thanks for the great list and I hope to read more soon :)

    1. Yeah, I'm not the most creative tweeter either, but I'm trying to work on it. Good luck on your new blog!!

  16. I just saw your 8 reasons "not" to visit and commented on there as Buffywnabe. So had to come read this one as well. I agree with 1, 2, and 8! I mean 8 is why I am here! I also have some that I already followed, but noticed they had been visiting me a lot and commenting, so I started making sure to go visit them as well. Great list!

  17. Great post, Andye! I love your reasons, and I visit blogs for many of the same as you. I definitely agree about blogs getting repetitive. I love it when I discover a new book, even an older one through a blogger's review, feature, or other post! :)

    -Emily @ Books & Cleverness

    1. Yeah, one of the best posts I came across was a review of a series called The Queen's Thief. I'd never heard of it, and it was an older series, but I read the review and immediately checked out the book. It ended up being one of my favorite series ever!

  18. Oh man, I had a whole paragraph written and it disappeared! o_0 I'll see if I can remember what I said. I absolutely love your blog, I've followed you for a long time. Recently I crossed the line from reader to writer, so I don't read as many books or follow as many blogs as I used to. Yours is one of the few that I still receive updates for. I love blogs that review books that are similar to my tastes (Seven Realms, anyone???), that are open and inviting (not negative as you commented on), and that offer giveaways. :o) Hey, a girl can never have too many books. Thank you for doing what you do.

    1. Oh, wow, Lori, you have no idea how much that means! Sometimes I wonder if anyone is actually paying attention out there, so that's so awesome to hear! :D

      SEVEN REALMS!! P.S. Did you see she's writing a book about Han and Raisa's kids????

  19. I'm definitely also horrendously slow at visiting commenters, but I love CommentLuv because often a commenters recent post will interest me by being a book I want to discuss or a cool discussion post etc. Basically, yes to all the things!

    1. Yeah, I like CommentLuv a lot too! I'm thinking about trying to figure out a different Commenting gadget for this blog!


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