How 21 of Your Favorite YA Authors are Spending Their Easter Day!
In honor of Easter Sunday, I asked some of your favorite YA authors these questions:
Do you celebrate Easter? How will you spend your Easter Day?
Here were their answers:
Kiersten White
author of upcoming Paranormalcy
I do! We will hide some little things for the kids to find, then go to family Easter Egg hunt. We also go to church.
Ellen Hopkins
Yes, we celebrate Easter. Church first (I sing in the choir. Love Easter music.) Then a very nice champagne brunch. Then (if we haven't had too much champagne!), we'll probably go see Alice in Wonderland.
Author of newly released The Iron King
Ah. Well, my family is coming over, and we're having a grill-out with ribs and such, and then we'll probably watch a movie. No grandkids or nieces/nephews to speak of, so our Easter is pretty quiet and relaxing. We just hang out and have a meal.
Robin Wasserman
Author of the Skinned
I celebrate Passover (although sort of skipped it this year ---shh, don't tell). Will be spending Passover unpacking & working.
Author of Shadow Hills
I'm going to go to a BBQ/Easter egg hunt with my boyfriend---it's at his aunt's house. Hopefully, I'll get some candy!
Margaret Stohl
Author of Beautiful Creatures
I'm taking 14 and 8 year olds to a friends backyard Easter Egg hunt while hub takes 16 year old to the airport to visit bff in Italy.
Author of The Lonely Hearts Club
My family's in Wisconsin, so I plan on celebrating tomorrow by taking the entire day off to relax and not work! Happy Easter!
Heather Brewer
Author of The Vladimir Tod series
The family and I will spend Easter/Ostara devouring the heads of bunnies! (chocolate ones)
Author of Faery Rebels
I do celebrate Easter! We'll be going to church as a family and then to my in-laws' for dinner and an egg hunt for the kids.
Heidi R. Kling
Author of upcoming Sea
I do! We're dying eggs today (I bought a tie-dye kit) w/ good friends, tomorrow find hidden baskets/brunch/egg hunt/supper. :)
Myra McEntire
Author of upcoming Hourglass
I do! We'll go to church for worship and come home to eat lots of goodies! (And then scope out 1/2 price Easter candy Monday!)
Georgia McBride
Author of Praefatio series which we are anxiously awaiting the release of!!!
With family, reveling in goodies from Easter Bunny! Thanks for thinking of me. xoxo
Author of Tantalize
I'll color eggs & eat gyros. I'll also try to finish my 1st sweep through line edits for Blessed. It's a deadline holiday weekend!
Melissa Marr
Author of the Wicked Lovely series
I'm a pagan. We celebrate the Spring/Equinox, but not on the Christian holiday. :)
Author of Beautiful Creatures
We're going to the grandparents in the morning. Then we're going to a party for a big Easter egg hunt.
Cassandra Clare
Author of The Mortal Instruments
I'm Jewish. Since I'm traveling, no [celebrating Passover], not this year.
Author of the Evernight
This year, I am hanging out with my friend Ruth, who is visiting from Ireland!
Author of the Becoming Beka
Church and running our church's cafe to greet the visitors as a family, then a quiet day at home with our great kids. :-)
Author of The Body Finder
Got up early to check Easter baskets, hunt for eggs, and taking the entire day off to eat candy, watch movies, and hang w/kids!
Author of Wings
Coloring eggs and feeding about 40 family members! Ham, cheesy potatoes, and birthday cake! And tonight, German board games.:D
Author of the Wondrous Strange
Hi RT! I mostly celebrate Easter as a return to Spring and, thusly, spent the day working in the garden. Now everything hurts.

Also, in keeping with the Easter theme! Check out the new book and movie Letters to God.
Check out the preview to the upcoming movie, inspired by a true story, Letters To God.
The Letters to God website
Wow this great! Lots of my favorite authors :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun idea - I loved reading all these! I celebrated by going to church and then forgetting all about my Easter bunny duties (until son reminded me, of course). Then we had a fun Easter egg hunt.
ReplyDeleteMy church is offering a prescreening for Letters to God and I couldn't even get through the previews without my eyes tearing up! Can't wait to see it! =) Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! You've got a terrific site. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to see this movie "Letters to God" Hope you had a wonderful Easter this past weekend!