It's your write it!

We just added a really fun link to our blog! It's called "Create a story" and we need you to contribute! It's fast, easy, and fun. All you do is click on "You are here to continue the story..." and then let your imagination run wild! .....ok, not too wild! Please keep your addition clean, and relevant or I'll have to come after you (or I'll just delete it). The link will be at the bottom of this post, and on the sidebar under "It's your write it!" Try it out! Let me know what you think!



  1. I'm sorry all I can think about are cupcakes and tutu's... LOL
    Thanks for visiting my blog on my SITS day and your sweet comment! Thanks also for following my sister-blog RealWomenEat!!! I'm thrilled you did!!!


  2. I have to say that I'm also a washout today in the brain power department but I think the mclinky story idea is great! stopping by from SITS

  3. Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a great day!!!! :)

  4. What a great read! Wish I was brave/creative enough to continue the story...

    Here from SITS!

  5. stop making max into an impostor!

  6. Stopping by from SITS today. This is a really great post and a fun idea!

  7. haha! I'm cracking up about how much I like Max! It doesn't seem like Clara is getting much done :)

  8. Andye, hehe..ik poor clara. if only she would stop dreaming Max into an impostor...

  9. I am so glad I got to participate in this fun idea!


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